Future site for media content.

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If you live in Los Angeles and are working (or looking to work) in the industry you've probably heard, I've always had a passion for movies a couple times. It's become a cliché, but a very true one. There are easier ways to make a buck if that's what you're really going for. Let me give you something a little different.


Literally translated as not-good place, it's also a subgenre of fiction that has recently seen a resurgence in popularity. What makes a dystopia? Often it is the pursuit of utopia, a society free of poverty or crime. And yet, at least in fiction, those goals are often accomplished and we still view the end result as wanting.

So why? I say it is because of the killing of the arts. That is the blood that feeds the tree of dystopia. Expression, the freedom to speak your soul, is the integral part of what keeps us sane in a world that is anything but. Without the arts, little by little, inch by inch, people realize that they are living in a not-good place.

Cinema is more than just popcorn. It's one of the most powerful tools for a society's expression.

I moved to Los Angeles to get involved, collaborate and create. To help others tell their stories and, perhaps, some of mine along the way, and so that we can all say to each other that other cliché, I can't believe I get paid to do this.

Eric Rizzardini is an independent investor forming a production company soon.